“SquashFitness” applies for squash – and fitnesses’ current centers/locations that are part of the members’ memberships. Current centers/locations/prices will at any point be listed at SquashFitness’ home page – www.sqf.no.
- Online signature & membership type
The client has signed and agreed online to the terms listed in this contract.
The client has selected one of the following memberships below:
Membership Binding period Sign Out period Monthly price
Dag/helg – Squash´23 12 months 1 month 199,-
Dag/helg – Squash´23 – ingen binding – 1 month 299,-
Dag/helg – Squash/fitness´23 12 months 1 month 299,-
Dag/helg – Squash/fitness´23 – ingen binding – 1 month 449,-
Fulltid – Squash´23 12 months 1 month 399,-
Fulltid – Squash´23 – ingen binding – 1 month 599,-
Fulltid – Squash/fitness´23 12 months 1 month 499,-
Fulltid – Squash/fitness´23 – ingen binding – 1 month 749,-
Dag/helg – Fitness´23 12 months 1 month 179,-
Dag/helg – Fitness´23 – ingen binding – 1 month 279,-
Fulltid – Fitness´23 12 months 1 month 379,-
Fulltid – Fitness´23 – ingen binding – 1 month 479,-
- Rights and obligations as part of SquashFitness
– Will make use of admission control
– Will strive to facilitate for our members the best possible benefit of their exercise.
– Will strive to keep our equipment and centers in the best possible condition at all times
– Can without warning close or reduce opening hours in relation to events, holidays, public holidays, public injunctions, force majeure, renovation and more.
– Is not responsible for any loss or damage to people or objects which arise during or as part of staying at our centers, including loss or damage to personal effects; unless the center clearly has acted negligent.
– Establishes rules that apply at the centers. The member is obliged to follow the instructions given by the employee at the center
– All centers of Squash & Fitness (SQF) are under camera surveillance.
– Only employees of Squash & Fitness (SQF) are allowed to instruct/coach/give PT-sessions to customers of Squash & Fitness.
The member
– Is obligated to provide a new address in case of relocation, name changes, account number, credit card number, cell phone number and email address where it is needed. Date of birth and nationality is also a requirement when using our booking system – Book24/7 and/or Rankedin.
– Is responsible making sure they are healthy enough to use our services – Should follow the center guidelines for hygiene and infection prevention
– Is responsible for making sure the correct credit card / bank information (AvtaleGiro) is provided – Can not transfer their personal membership to someone else without the explicit consent from
– People under the age of 18 are not allowed to become a member or stay at our centers without parental consent.
– Has the right to regret their membership within 14 days unless the membership / Services has already been used.
– Is obligated to unsolicited register their visit by using their personal admission code, and to show ID if requested.
– The member has to upload a profile picture in Book247 to make it easy for the staff to verify the member’s ID.
- General terms of the agreement
The membership has a 12 months commitment period unless otherwise is stated. After the commitment period has passed the agreement runs until the member cancels the agreement. All memberships have a one month cancellation period. For more information, see section 6 about cancellation.
Commitment period: The commitment period runs from the day the member signs the agreement.
Yearly up-front payment: If the member wants a yearly up-front payment of the membership, this has to be agreed with SquashFitness. 50% of the monthly price will be charged on top according to the current price list, due to administration related to such an agreement.
Stripe payment: At the start of the agreement the member pays an administration fee and the first monthly membership fee. The payment is done from the member profile at sqf.book247.com. Going forward the membership is charged once a month until the agreement is canceled. See section 5 about cancellation.
Gift card: Any gift card issued by our centers cannot be used on anything other than equipment, unless otherwise is agreed. Furthermore, a gift card cannot be used on discounted goods in our shops. The gift card can be used as long as the client remains a member; the gift card will be canceled when the membership agreement is canceled.
Court booking:
– Daytime/weekend members can book before 4pm Monday-Thursday and within the full opening hours Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Court reservations can be done 1 week in advance
– Full-time members can reserve a court within the full opening hours. Court bookings after 4pm Monday-Thursday can first be reserved the day before. (F.ex: if you wish to reserve on a Tuesday after 4pm, the court reservation can be done the earliest as soon as it becomes Monday (00.01 the day before.)
– All members can at any given point in time only have one active booking (half hour). This means that they have to finish their first booking before they can reserve another one. If they wish to reserve more bookings than the one included in their membership, it has to be paid for online in advance. Prices are subjected to our price list at any given time. When reserving the court, the member will immediately be notified of how much should be paid in advance. Unpaid drop-in bookings will automatically be canceled if not paid within the first 5 minutes of reservation
– If you wish to cancel a booking, this has to be registered with SquashFitness within 6 hours before the booked time, at the latest. Cancellations can be done from the member profil within 6 hours. Court bookings, court amendments and cancellations are only accepted through our booking system or by phone. NOT by email or chat.
In case the agreement is changed: The new agreement will be active from the day the change takes effect. Change of membership does not entail a new commitment period.
- Terms of the agreement
There will be no price changes during the commitment period, as long as the member has not themself requested a change of membership. SquashFitness reserves the right to adjust the price of memberships to the existing price list. Existing membership price list can be found at www.sqf.no. Membership fees are issued regardless of how much the membership is used.
- About AvtaleGiro
AvtaleGiro is a financial transaction that the members’ bank executes on behalf of the member. The members themselves are responsible to make sure theirAvtaleGiro is valid and active. In case theAvtaleGiro is not active, SquashFitness will make use of an external debt collector to recover missing payments. The member needs to make sure that theirAvtaleGiro limit is high enough for the minimum relevant price of the membership. AvtaleGiro can at any point be canceled by the member. If AvtaleGiro is canceled before the cancellation period of the membership, SquashFitness will be able to collect the outstanding amount for the remainder of the agreement period.
The member is required to activateAvtaleGiro, as this is a payment term of the agreement. If AvtaleGiro is missing, SquashFitness will send a paper invoice which will entail an additional fee of kr 40,-.
About Stripe
Stripe is a financial transaction that the members’ credit- or debit card provider executes on behalf of the member. The members are responsible for ensuring that the card details are updated and valid at any time. In case the card details are outdated and payments are missing, SquashFitness will use a debt collector to recover the missing payments.
- Cancellation of the membership
The cancellation period is one – 1 – month unless otherwise is stated. For members on AvtaleGiro this will entail that their local center will need the cancellation at the latest on the 19th in the current month to be able to stop the invoice the following month. For members paying using Stripe payment with a debit/credit card this will entail that their local club will need the cancellation at the latest one day before the upcoming invoice in the current month to be able to stop the invoice the following month. A cancellation must be sent in written form, an oral cancellation is not accepted. The member will receive a written reply with information about the last invoice and when the last day of usage will be. If the member hasn’t received a reply to the cancellation within 14 days, the member must contact SquashFitness. If the member wants the membership to stop after the 12 months commitment period, the membership needs to be canceled before the invoice of the 12th month is issued.
- Freezing the membership
A member can issue their request to freeze their membership by sending an email to post@sqf.no. The member’s freezing request needs to contain reason, duration and documentation. A freezing request must be sent in written form, oral freezing requests are not accepted. If approved the member will receive a written reply with information about freezing conditions such as frozen period and date of reactivation. When memberships with commitment are frozen the commitment period will be extended with the duration of freezing. In order to extend an ongoing freezing period the member has to issue another written request by email. Freezing indefinitely is not possible.
8. How we treat your personal data
SquashFitness, hereby referred to as ‘SQF’ within section 6, values your privacy. Listed below is information about how we use your personal data.
– The member agrees that SQF and other connected firms obtains, stores and uses information about the member (name, e-mail, payment details etc.) and the members use of our services, in order to administer and maintain the membership.
– The member agrees that SQF stores history of visits with the goal of providing the member with better offers based on this information.
– The member has the right to request access to their personal information and history of visits and also reserves the right to have the information deleted. SQF will delete the information as long as there is no legitimate reason for holding on to it.
– SQF will not share the information with an external third party without the explicit consent, unless it is required by law or in relation to debt collection, insurance claims or accounting. We can be imposed to share your information with NIFs idrettsregistrering (sports registration), which the member agrees on when accepting these terms and conditions.
– Upon entering into the membership agreement, SQF obtains consent from the member that SQF may use any form of communication with the member, to inform about and / or market its offers, in accordance with the MarketingAct §15. The member may at any time withdraw his consent to receive marketing inquiries by contacting SQF.
– SquashFitness can store personal information as long as it is relevant or until the member requests it to be deleted.
– Rankedin
- SquashFitness’ right to cancel a membership
SquashFitness reserves the right to cancel a membership if the member violates internal guidelines or contract, for example:
– Theft from the center or other members
– Not fulfill the legal age or valid consent from parents/guardian – Missing payments for more than 2 months. The client will get a written confirmation if their membership is cancelled.
– If the member because of health reasons can be damaged by the centers services – Acts against the centers interests or purpose
– Acts threatening against employees or others at the center – Not complies with instructions from employees
SQF reserves the right to immediately cancel an agreement and / or ban the member, in the event of any breach of the points listed above. Please refer to sqf.no for more information.